The Key Product In Your Skincare Routine (that is often overlooked)


Hi everyone!

Today’s post is all about sunscreen, that key product in your skinare routine, that many people often forget. Sunscreen is so important to our health and should be applied every day, but only 10% of U.S. adults use sunscreen daily. While sunscreen won’t fade hyperpigmentation and dark spots, it helps prevent the development of these skin concerns.

However, not all sunscreens are created equal, and even though it says SPF50, you may not even be getting close to that. The first step to determining if your sunscreen is up to par is to look at the active ingredients to determine whether it’s a chemical or physical (mineral) sunscreen. Chemical sunscreens work by seeping into your bloodstream. In this way, they can prevent sunburn, but their ability to protect against the aging type of UV rays (UVA) is limited. In addition, chemical sunscreens are often found to have hormone-disrupting and carcinogenic properties. Basically, stay away from chemical sunscreens!

Instead, opt for a physical sunscreen. Physical sunscreens do not absorb into the skin, but remain on the surface and act as a barrier between your skin and harmful UV rays. There are two types of active ingredients in physical sunscreens: Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. Although, only zinc oxide gives you the greatest protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Therefore, you can look for a sunscreen with only zinc oxide or both titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. If you’re going for just zinc oxide, it should be at least 20%. On the other hand, if the sunscreen contains less than 20% zinc oxide, it should be in combination with at least 5% titanium dioxide. This provides optimal protection.

Lastly, it’s important to consider whether a sunscreen contains polyunsaturated oils. Some oils include almond oil, grape seed oil, rose hip oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil. When UV rays interact with these oils, it can cause hyperpigmentation, premature aging, and cellular damage. The best way to avoid this is to choose a sunscreen that is oil-free.

Side note: Sunscreens that contain mostly zinc oxide may leave a white cast, especially on tan to darker skin tones. In my experience, a tinted sunscreen helps to combat this. I’ve tried a few tinted sunscreens where the “tint” isn’t really a tint, but rubs out into the skin. Maybe it will actually leave a tint on lighter skin tones, but I haven’t had that experience.

In case you haven’t noticed by now, sunscreen is probably the most important product in your skincare routine. It not only helps prevent signs of aging and hyperpigmentation, but also protects against the formation of skin cancer. In addition to applying sunscreen before I leave my house, I also like to reapply throughout the day using my Supergoop Invincible Setting Powder SPF 45, which acts as a setting powder and sunscreen. A major plus is that it contains 24.5% zinc oxide for maximum sun protection. I’ve been using the translucent shade, but I’m thinking of trying one of the tinted shades to combat the white cast left behind.

* None of these links are affiliate. All opinions are my own.


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