Are You Using The Right Color Corrector?

Hey guys! Today’s post is about color correcting. For those of you who don’t know what that is, color correcting gives you that added bout of coverage to fully correct and conceal your skin concerns. These correctors come in several colors and each treat a different skin concern. The key is to identify your skin concerns and what colors they leave your skin, and choose … Continue reading Are You Using The Right Color Corrector?

Healthy Habits For Healthy Skin

Hey everyone! Today’s post is about habits you should practice for healthy, radiant skin. The first habit is usually overlooked or considered unachievable for some. However, drinking water is the most basic skincare habit to staying healthy. We’ve all heard about the recommended 8 glasses a day, so for a little over a month, I’ve been trying to achieve this. For awhile now, I’ve only … Continue reading Healthy Habits For Healthy Skin